Patron Glennie Hull
President Julie Pirie
Secretary Sonia Paton
There will be three age groups - Primary, Secondary and an adults section.
Depending on numbers these may be further split into breed and/or animal age classes.
Dates for calves - 1 June to 15 September 2023
Our rules and ring set up:
Rules - click this for link.
The main ones are:
- Only one animal per competitor.
- Calves may be washed and groomed, but not clipped, plucked or oiled.
These will differ from other regions.
One of the differences is in leading. Lambs, Kids and Calves have the same course. There are three pegs, the animal walks to the first peg. The peg remains on the left of the child and animal, and they turn. A a peg in the middle, the child and animal must stop in a controlled manner for three seconds. They then move to the next peg, the child and the animal go to the left of the peg, and circle the peg, walking in a straight line to the exit.
If this is confusing, or you need clarification, please talk to the ring stewards before classes commence.